NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 11, December 1985.
The United Islamic Nation was declared in the MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE of Muharram 1, 1406 (September 15, 1985). As promised in that historic issue, we have written to all heads of state in the UIN region inviting them to establish their rule on the basis of the true Islam as preached by God’s final prophet Muhammad. We wrote to the kings and presidents of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. We asked them to forsake their differences, shed all innovations that crept into Islam, return to the original Islam, and declare their membership in the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION.
It has been almost three months since we wrote to those governments, and now they have had a chance to circulate our communication among their responsible officials. There is little doubt that at least some of those governments are laughing at our offer (see Qur’an 23:110 & 83:29). But they will not laugh for long. Unless they heed God’s teachings now, and carry out the Qur’anic commandments in Verses 44, 45, & 47 of Sura 5, they will be toppled. These verses order us to rule in accordance with God’s revelations, specifically, Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an.
One governmental change has already taken place within the region; the Christian leader of Tanzania, Julius Nierere, has been replaced by the Muslim leader President Ali Hassan Mwinyi (October 31, 1985).
قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مٰلِكَ المُلكِ تُؤتِى المُلكَ مَن تَشاءُ وَتَنزِعُ المُلكَ مِمَّن تَشاءُ
Say: O Allah! Owner of Sovereignty! Thou givest sovereignty unto whom Thou wilt, and Thou withdrawest sovereignty from whom Thou wilt. (Quran 3:26)
Saudi Arabia and Iran have received our invitation, and there are only two possible responses:
In this very unlikely event, we will confer with the Saudi and/or Iranian representative(s) and hand them full details for complying with the Qur’anic commandments, returning to the original true Islam, and applying God’s laws as decreed in Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an.
- We will ask them to drop their sectarian principles, be they Sunni or Shi’a (please see 6:159).
- We will ask them to demolish the centers if idol-worship, namely, the Prophet’s tomb in Medina and all the tombs of Imams, saints, Walis, etc, throughout Iran.
- We will provide them with a complete Qur’anic constitution.
- We will provide them with the detailed civil, criminal, social, and economic statutes derived from Qur’an.
- We will provide them with a complete Qur’anic program to re-educate the people of Saudi Arabia and the people of Iran about the original and true Islam as preached by the Prophet.
- We will prove to them, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that membership in the UIN will guarantee them prosperity, peace, dignity, and victory:
وَلَو أَنَّ أَهلَ القُرىٰ ءامَنوا وَاتَّقَوا لَفَتَحنا عَلَيهِم بَرَكٰتٍ مِنَ السَّماءِ وَالأَرضِ
If only the people of the communities believe and observe God, we will shower them with blessings from the heaven and the earth. (Qur’an 7:96)
We will prove to them that their present condition of war, humiliation, defeat, misery, and deprivation will not end unless they do join the UIN.
In this case, the government will surely fall. It will not be a matter of probability or possibility; the government’s fall is assured. It will only be a matter of time. Exactly how and when the government will fall is up to God Almighty. The fall of Saudi Arabia and/or Iran, if they fail to heed the Message, should be expected within two years.
God’s invisible and invincible forces will carry out the coup d’etat against any government in the region that rejects the invitation to establish the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION. As stated in the Muharram 1406 issue of MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE, the governments in the UIN region who choose to ignore or reject the invitation to re-establish the true Islam will fall at the rate of three governments every two years (see 9:126).
إِن يَنصُركُمُ اللَّهُ فَلا غالِبَ لَكُم وَإِن يَخذُلكُم فَمَن ذَا الَّذى يَنصُرُكُم مِن بَعدِهِ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَليَتَوَكَّلِ المُؤمِنونَ
If God supports you, no force on earth can defeat you. But if He forsakes you, who then can give you victory? In God the believers shall trust. (3:160)
(Message from Ahmad Wehbe)
Peace be upon you,
Sadly we can see today that the leaders of the mentioned countries above along with their religious scholars have chosen to reject God’s invitation to unite under one banner to stablish true Islam as the centre community for world power and influence.
But they rejected it because they didn’t like that it was Rashad Khalifa who discovered the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran.
How childish is that?
If you are a Muslim and you are disappointed and ashamed of your country’s current situation, then remember you are suffering because your leaders keep rejecting God.
When leaders are diverted away from God, then everyone below the leader will be affected negatively. Just read the Quran and see the consequences of communities whose leaders reject their messenger.
They get destroyed, even if the people themselves were not given a chance to state their opinion. This is how much power leaders have over us, even if we don’t like to admit it. If your leaders decide to go to war tomorrow, they will force you to fight their war!
This is the consequence of choosing bad leaders. We suffer from who we vote for. Our only chance of being spared the disaster invoked by our leaders is by rejecting their leadership, oppose them or emigrate. We need to show God that we don’t accept what our evil leaders are doing both verbally and physically.
So let’s all spread the truth and create our own local communities and slowly unite all believers into a one big unbreakable force without the influence of all these false leaders and false scholars.
Thank you and GOD bless.