H. M.*
*40:1 The initials “Haa Meem” occur in Suras 40-46. The total frequency of occurrence of the letters “Ha” and “Meem” in the seven suras is 2147, or 19×113 (Appendix 1).
H. M.*
*40:1 The initials “Haa Meem” occur in Suras 40-46. The total frequency of occurrence of the letters “Ha” and “Meem” in the seven suras is 2147, or 19×113 (Appendix 1).
This revelation of the scripture is from God, the Almighty, the Omniscient.
تَنزيلُ الكِتٰبِ مِنَ اللَّهِ العَزيزِ العَليمِ
tanzeelul Kitaabi minal laahil Azeezil ‘Aleem
Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing retribution, and possessor of all power. There is no other god beside Him. To Him is the ultimate destiny.
غافِرِ الذَّنبِ وَقابِلِ التَّوبِ شَديدِ العِقابِ ذِى الطَّولِ لا إِلٰهَ إِلّا هُوَ إِلَيهِ المَصيرُ
ghaafiriz zambi wa qaabilit tawbi shadeedil ‘iqaabi zit tawli laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa ilaihil maseer
None argues against God’s revelations except those who disbelieve. Do not be impressed by their apparent success.
ما يُجٰدِلُ فى ءايٰتِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الَّذينَ كَفَروا فَلا يَغرُركَ تَقَلُّبُهُم فِى البِلٰدِ
maa yujaadilu feee Aayaatil laahi illal lazeena kafaroo falaa yaghrurka taqallubuhum fil bilaad
Disbelieving before them were the people of Noah, and many other opponents after them. Every community persecuted their messenger to neutralize him. And they argued with falsehood, to defeat the truth. Consequently, I punished them; how terrible was My retribution!
كَذَّبَت قَبلَهُم قَومُ نوحٍ وَالأَحزابُ مِن بَعدِهِم وَهَمَّت كُلُّ أُمَّةٍ بِرَسولِهِم لِيَأخُذوهُ وَجٰدَلوا بِالبٰطِلِ لِيُدحِضوا بِهِ الحَقَّ فَأَخَذتُهُم فَكَيفَ كانَ عِقابِ
kazzabat qablahum qawmu Noohinw wal Ahzaabu min ba’dihim wa hammat kullu ummatin bi Rasoolihim li ya’khuzoohu wa jaadaloo bilbaatili li yud hidoo bihil haqqa fa akhaztuhum fa kaifa kaana ‘iqaab
Thus, the judgment of your Lord is already stamped upon those who disbelieve, that they are the dwellers of Hell.
وَكَذٰلِكَ حَقَّت كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ عَلَى الَّذينَ كَفَروا أَنَّهُم أَصحٰبُ النّارِ
wa kazaalika haqqat Kalimatu Rabbika ‘alal lazeena kafarooo annahum Ashaabun Naar
(Angels Pray for the Believers)
Those who serve the throne and all those around it glorify and praise their Lord, and believe in Him. And they ask forgiveness for those who believe: “Our Lord, Your mercy and Your knowledge encompass all things. Forgive those who repent and follow Your path, and spare them the retribution of Hell.
الَّذينَ يَحمِلونَ العَرشَ وَمَن حَولَهُ يُسَبِّحونَ بِحَمدِ رَبِّهِم وَيُؤمِنونَ بِهِ وَيَستَغفِرونَ لِلَّذينَ ءامَنوا رَبَّنا وَسِعتَ كُلَّ شَىءٍ رَحمَةً وَعِلمًا فَاغفِر لِلَّذينَ تابوا وَاتَّبَعوا سَبيلَكَ وَقِهِم عَذابَ الجَحيمِ
allazeena yahmiloonal ‘Arsha wa man hawlahoo yusabbihoona bihamdi Rabbihim wa yu’minoona bihee wa yastaghfiroona lillazeena aamanoo Rabbanaa wasi’ta kulla shai’ir rahmatanw wa ‘ilman faghfir lillazeena taaboo wattaba’oo sabeelaka wa qihim ‘azaabal Jaheem
“Our Lord, and admit them into the gardens of Eden that You promised for them and for the righteous among their parents, spouses, and children. You are the Almighty, Most Wise.
رَبَّنا وَأَدخِلهُم جَنّٰتِ عَدنٍ الَّتى وَعَدتَهُم وَمَن صَلَحَ مِن ءابائِهِم وَأَزوٰجِهِم وَذُرِّيّٰتِهِم إِنَّكَ أَنتَ العَزيزُ الحَكيمُ
rabbanaa wa adkhilhum Jannaati ‘adninil latee wa’attahum wa man salaha min aabaaa’ihim wa azwaajihim wa zurriyyaatihim; innaka Antal ‘Azeezul Hakeem
“And protect them from falling in sin. Whomever You protect from falling in sin, on that day, has attained mercy from You. This is the greatest triumph.”
وَقِهِمُ السَّيِّـٔاتِ وَمَن تَقِ السَّيِّـٔاتِ يَومَئِذٍ فَقَد رَحِمتَهُ وَذٰلِكَ هُوَ الفَوزُ العَظيمُ
wa qihimus saiyi-aat; wa man taqis saiyi-aati Yawma’izin faqad rahimtah; wa zaalika huwal fawzul ‘azeem
(God ALONE: The Disbelievers Confess)
Those who disbelieve will be told, “God’s abhorrence towards you is even worse than your own abhorrence towards yourselves. For you were invited to believe, but you chose to disbelieve.”
إِنَّ الَّذينَ كَفَروا يُنادَونَ لَمَقتُ اللَّهِ أَكبَرُ مِن مَقتِكُم أَنفُسَكُم إِذ تُدعَونَ إِلَى الإيمٰنِ فَتَكفُرونَ
innal lazeena kafaroo yunaadawna lamaqtul laahi akbaru mim maqtikum anfusakum iz tud’awna ilal eemaani fatakfuroon