NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 31, August 1987.
Verses 62-67 of Sura 39 inform us that the practice of idol worship nullifies the person’s works, no matter how great. The person may pray, fast, give generously to charity, and carry on a perfectly righteous life, but the practice of idolatry would nullify such righteous works as if they never took place.
Millions of pilgrims spend their life savings and endure tremendous hardships in response to their Lord’s command to observe Hajj (pilgrimage). Unfortunately, the traditions of today’s Islam lead thousands of pilgrims to Medina where they commit idolatry by visiting the tomb of Prophet Muhammad and pouring their hearts out in expressions of love and devotion to “nothing” (see 40:74).
The Qur’an teaches us clearly that the Prophet is dead (39:30), totally unaware (5:109, 16:21 & 23:100), and can never respond to anyone (35:14).
Needless to say, going against all these Qur’anic teachings constitutes disobedience and opposition to God and His messenger Muhammad. The pilgrims who commit such idol-worship come back home with their pilgrimage utterly nullified, and their money and efforts utterly wasted.
As we learn from 39:62-67, our worship must be devoted absolutely to Allah ALONE.