NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 31, August 1987.
Bear in mind that all miracles are God’s; He manifests them through whomever He chooses.
The exciting discovery of a divine mathematical code throughout the Qur’an is increasingly recognized as the most significant religious event since the revelation of the Qur’an. For the first time in history, we now possess physical, tangible proof:
(1) for the existence of God;
(2) that the Qur’an is God’s message to the world; and
(3) that the Qur’an despite all attempts to tamper with it, has been perfectly preserved. (See Muslim Perspective, July 1987).
The significance of this profound miracle is reflected in the Almighty’s description of it as “One of the greatest miracles” (74:30-35)
It is universally recognized that every messenger of God was supported by miracles to prove that he was authorized by God. Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a serpent. Jesus shaped birds from clay, then blew into them, and they became live by God’s leave. He revived the dead and healed the blind by God’s leave.
Muhammad, God’s final prophet, on the other hand, did not show his people any kind of miracles (6:37; 10:20; 13:7; 27; 20:133; & 21:5). To get around this “problem,” many Muslim scholars tried to use the Qur’an’s extraordinary linguistic excellence as Muhammad’s miracle, and coupled this with their contrived claim that Muhammad was illiterate. The Muslim Perspective of April 1986 presented evidence that Muhammad wrote God’s revelations with his own hand (see for example 25:5). The idea that the Qur’an’s literary excellence constitutes its miracle does not hold water, since the Arabs were famous for their extraordinary talent with poetry, prose and cleverly composed literature. Additionally, it is a totally subjective and disputable opinion. The Qur’an’s literary excellence, fantastic as it is, does not constitute Muhammad’s miracle.
We learn from the Qur’an (29:50–51) that Muhammad’s miracle is the Qur’an. We also learn from 10:20 and 25:4-6 that Muhammad’s miracle was destined to remain a divinely guarded secret until a specific time when God willed to disclose it. In 10:20, we see that the question is raised as to why the Prophet Muhammad did not exhibit any kind of miracle.
The answer is provided in the same verse, that Muhammad’s miracle shall remain hidden until some time in the future. In 25:4, we see the disbelievers claiming that the Qur’an was fabricated by Muhammad, with the assistance of some other people. In 25:5, we see other disbelievers stating that the Qur’an was no more than tales from the past, dictated upon, and written by, Muhammad. Verse 6 then provides the answer to these claims: there is a secret within the Qur’an that would prove the divine source of the Qur’an.
Fourteen centuries later, with the advent of electronic computers, the miraculous mathematical composition of Qur’an is discovered. While the Ulema or scholars of traditional Islam are still busy counting the letters in the first verse of Qur’an, the rest of the world has been profoundly fascinated by the overwhelmingly interlocking parameters of the Qur’an supernatural mathematical composition. During the last 19 years, one amazing feature after another has been emerging and causing the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle to be irresistibly convincing: NOT A SINGLE PERSON WHO READ AN UNDERSTOOD THIS MIRACLE HAS REJECTED THE QUR’AN AS GOD’S FINAL MESSAGE TO THE WORLD.
Now that Muhammad’s miracle has been finally unveiled, people all over the world are coming to Islam, the true Islam, in throngs. While the older generations, over forty years of age (see 46:15), are missing the boat, the younger generations are joyfully excited about God’s perpetual miracle being manifested to our generation through his final Prophet Muhammad.
What is the difference between the miracles of Moses and Jesus and that of Muhammad? This question can be answered by posing another question: How long did the miracles of Moses and Jesus last? How many people saw such miracles? When Moses threw down his staff, only a few hundred people at the most saw it turn into a serpent. When Jesus resurrected Lazurus, only a few people witnessed the miracle, and it lasted only a few minutes. All God’s miracles manifested through all previous messengers were temporary in nature, and were witnessed by a few people. God’s miracle through the Prophet Muhammad, on the other hand, is perpetual. Anyone anywhere in the world, can witness it at any time. Those unfortunate souls, deliberately blocked out by God (see 17:45-46 and 18:57) have to endure Muhammad’s miracle; it is staring them in the face day and night, for the rest of their lives. They can pick up the Qur’an anytime and witness the miracle. I am talking about people who actually read the details of the miracle as published by this mosque, but insist on denying its physical facts. I will cite here one example that illustrates how they are still stuck at item Number One: that the first verse of Qur’an consists of 19 letters. In one of their publications, they say that “The phrase BISMILLAH… contains 20 letters and not nineteen but unfortunately our kind Dr. Khalifa has forgotten to note that there is an ALIF in the word AL-RAHMAN, but this ALIF is not written ! ! !” Thus, they create their invisible letters and count them, for no other reason but to oppose God and His miracle. One can see the hopelessness of trying to help these people, since the hundreds of other overwhelming parameters of the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle cannot be witnesses by them; they have to go past the first verse first.