NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 45, September 1988.
What I am about to tell you is something for which I will be held responsible before God and the whole of humanity on the Day of Resurrection.
On Tuesday, the third day of Zul-Hijja, 1391 (December 21, 1971), I, Rashad Khalifa, the soul, the real person, not the body, was taken somewhere in the universe, where I was introduced to all the prophets. All the prophets, including Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David, Idris, Noah, Ismail, Isaac… all of them, one by one, declared that they believe in me as the “Apostle of the Covenant.” That incident, which took place during my pilgrimage to Mecca, was the fulfillment of Verse 3:81. That incident took place while I was fully awake, and I have shared the details with my family, my family of believers, and with my friends. The details will be discussed, IN SHAA ALLAH, during the forthcoming Third Conference of the United Islamic Nation.
Please note that the date of my vision was Zul Hijja, 3, 1391. When we add the number of the month (12), plus the day (3), plus the year (1391), the total comes to 1406, or 19×74, and 74′ is the sura where the number 19 is found.