NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 54, June 1989.
We grew up in the midst of corrupted Islam. We inherited from our ancestors tons upon tons of satanic teachings. Then God bestowed His grace upon us and saved us from a horrible fate – eternal Hell. How fortunate can one get?
Our confession of faith, Shahaadah, was a declaration of Shirk (idolatry), and a defiant rebellion against the Quran. For the Quran dictates a Shahaadah that is devoted to God ALONE (3:18 & 47:19), while today’s Shahaadah of the “Muslims” dictates Muhammad’s name side by side with God’s name. The Quranic criterion in 39:45 – “When God alone is mentioned the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion, but when others are mentioned with Him, they become satisfied” – exposes today’s “Muslims” as disbelievers at heart. If you ask them to utter the Quranically dictated Shahaadah (3:18 & 47:19), they simply cannot do it. Try it with them; they can never utter the correct Shahaadah; they are forbidden by God.
Our daily contact prayers (Salat) were corrupted into a practice in idol-worship. Although God commands us to keep the daily contact prayers (Salat) absolutely devoted to Him ALONE (20:14 & 72:18), we were taught to mention Muhammad and his family, and Abraham and his family in every Salat.
Our obligatory charity (Zakat) was corrupted into uselessness and injustice. While the Quran orders us to give the Zakat “on the day of harvest,” i.e., the day we receive income, we were giving Zakat only once a year, and then to the wrong recipients.
Our fasting & Hajj were corrupted.
Thank God
God saved us with His message of purification and consolidation (3:81). He has shown us the right way, and has saved us by His grace from eternal Hell. He has purified the Quran for us, and has given us the most powerful miracle, and strengthened His purifying information with the most overwhelming physical evidence. He cleansed our minds of all doubt, and has guided us to worship Him ALONE. How fortunate can one be?
If we were born just a few years earlier, or lived in the wrong location, we would have continued in our old idolatrous ways, and would have incurred the due misery here and in the Hereafter, now and forever.
Can we ever thank God enough? How fortunate can one be?
Thank You God.