We let the oppressed people inherit the land, east and west, and we blessed it. The blessed commands of your Lord were thus fulfilled for the Children of Israel, to reward them for their steadfastness, and we annihilated the works of Pharaoh and his people and everything they harvested.
وَأَورَثنَا القَومَ الَّذينَ كانوا يُستَضعَفونَ مَشٰرِقَ الأَرضِ وَمَغٰرِبَهَا الَّتى بٰرَكنا فيها وَتَمَّت كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ الحُسنىٰ عَلىٰ بَنى إِسرٰءيلَ بِما صَبَروا وَدَمَّرنا ما كانَ يَصنَعُ فِرعَونُ وَقَومُهُ وَما كانوا يَعرِشونَ
wa awrasnal qawmal lazeena kaanoo yustad’afoona mashaariqal ardi wa maghaari bahal latee baaraknaa feehaa wa tammat kalimatu Rabbikal husnaa ‘alaa Baneee Israaa’eela bimaa sabaroo wa dammarnaa maa kaana yasna’u Fir’awnu wa qawmuhoo wa maa kaanoo ya’rishoon