And He will requite the hypocrite men and women and the idol worshiping men and women, for they have harbored evil thoughts about God. Their evil will backfire against them. For God is angry with them, condemns them, and has prepared for them Gehenna. What a miserable destiny!
وَيُعَذِّبَ المُنٰفِقينَ وَالمُنٰفِقٰتِ وَالمُشرِكينَ وَالمُشرِكٰتِ الظّانّينَ بِاللَّهِ ظَنَّ السَّوءِ عَلَيهِم دائِرَةُ السَّوءِ وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيهِم وَلَعَنَهُم وَأَعَدَّ لَهُم جَهَنَّمَ وَساءَت مَصيرًا
wa yu’azzibal munaafiqeena walmunaafiqaati wal mushrikeena walmushrikaatiz zaaanneena billaahi zannas saw’; ‘alaihim daaa’iratus saw’i wa ghadibal laahu ‘alaihim wa la’anahum wa a’adda lahum jahannama wa saaa’ at maseeraa