Why should God guide people who disbelieved after believing, and after witnessing that the messenger is truth, and after solid proofs* have been given to them? God does not guide the wicked.
كَيفَ يَهدِى اللَّهُ قَومًا كَفَروا بَعدَ إيمٰنِهِم وَشَهِدوا أَنَّ الرَّسولَ حَقٌّ وَجاءَهُمُ البَيِّنٰتُ وَاللَّهُ لا يَهدِى القَومَ الظّٰلِمينَ
kaifa yahdil laahu qawman kafaroo ba’da eemaanihim wa shahidooo annar Rasoola haqqunw wa jaaa’ahumul baiyinaat; wallaahu laa yahdil qawmaz zaalimeen
*3:86 Verses 3:82-90 inform us that those who reject God’s Messenger of the Covenant are no longer submitters (Muslims), since they no longer believe the Quran. The proofs mentioned in 3:86 refer to the Quran’s mathematical code, which was revealed through God’s Messenger of the Covenant. Both 3:86 and 3:90 talk about “disbelieving after believing.”