Their minds are heedless. And the transgressors confer secretly: “Is he not just a human being like you? Would you accept the magic that is presented to you?”*
لاهِيَةً قُلوبُهُم وَأَسَرُّوا النَّجوَى الَّذينَ ظَلَموا هَل هٰذا إِلّا بَشَرٌ مِثلُكُم أَفَتَأتونَ السِّحرَ وَأَنتُم تُبصِرونَ
laahiyatan quloobuhum; wa asarrun najwal lazeena zalamoo hal haazaaa illaa basharum mislukum ‘afa ta’toonas sihra wa antum tubsiroon
*21:3 Although the Bible (Malachi 3:1) and the Quran (3:81) prophesy the advent of God’s Messenger of the Covenant, when he did appear, supported by `one of the greatest miracles’ (74:30-35), he was met with heedlessness and opposition. The divine assertion that every `new’ proof is opposed has been proven by the Arabs’ opposition to the Quran’s miracle. (App. 1 & 2).