(Divine Commandments to All Jews:
“You Shall Believe in This Quran.”)
O Children of Israel, remember My favor, which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill your part of the covenant, that I fulfill My part of the covenant, and reverence Me.
يٰبَنى إِسرٰءيلَ اذكُروا نِعمَتِىَ الَّتى أَنعَمتُ عَلَيكُم وَأَوفوا بِعَهدى أوفِ بِعَهدِكُم وَإِيّٰىَ فَارهَبونِ
yaa Baneee Israaa’eelaz kuroo ni’matiyal lateee an’amtu ‘alaikum wa awfoo bi’Ahdeee oofi bi ahdikum wa iyyaaya farhaboon