(Additional Proofs From God)
God sends down from the sky water to revive the land after it had died. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who hear.
وَاللَّهُ أَنزَلَ مِنَ السَّماءِ ماءً فَأَحيا بِهِ الأَرضَ بَعدَ مَوتِها إِنَّ فى ذٰلِكَ لَـٔايَةً لِقَومٍ يَسمَعونَ
wallaahu anzala minas samaaa’i maaa’an fa ahyaa bihil arda ba’da mawtihaa; inna fee zaalika la aayatal liqaw miny yasma’oon