Have they not seen all the things created by God? Their shadows surround them right and left, in total submission to God, and willingly.
أَوَلَم يَرَوا إِلىٰ ما خَلَقَ اللَّهُ مِن شَىءٍ يَتَفَيَّؤُا۟ ظِلٰلُهُ عَنِ اليَمينِ وَالشَّمائِلِ سُجَّدًا لِلَّهِ وَهُم دٰخِرونَ
awa lam yaraw ilaa maa khalaqal laahu min shai’iny-yatafaiya’u zilaaluhoo ‘anil yameeni washshamaaa’ ili sujjadal lillaahi wa hum daakhiroon