After he provided them with their provisions, he said, “Next time, bring with you your half-brother. Do you not see that I give full measure, and treat you generously?
وَلَمّا جَهَّزَهُم بِجَهازِهِم قالَ ائتونى بِأَخٍ لَكُم مِن أَبيكُم أَلا تَرَونَ أَنّى أوفِى الكَيلَ وَأَنا۠ خَيرُ المُنزِلينَ
wa lammaa jahhazahum bijahaazihim qaala’ toonee bi akhil lakum min abeekum; alaa tarawna anneee oofil kaila wa ana khairul munzileen