They said, “Our father, we went racing with each other, leaving Joseph with our equipment, and the wolf devoured him. You will never believe us, even if we were telling the truth.”
قالوا يٰأَبانا إِنّا ذَهَبنا نَستَبِقُ وَتَرَكنا يوسُفَ عِندَ مَتٰعِنا فَأَكَلَهُ الذِّئبُ وَما أَنتَ بِمُؤمِنٍ لَنا وَلَو كُنّا صٰدِقينَ
qaaloo yaaa abaanaaa innaa zahabnaa nastabiqu wa taraknaa Yoosufa ‘inda mataa’inaa fa akalahuz zi’b, wa maaa anta bimu’minil lanaa wa law kunnaa saadiqeen