Similarly, ‘Ad and Thamoud (were annihilated). This is made manifest to you through their ruins. The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and had diverted them from the path, even though they had eyes.
وَعادًا وَثَمودَا۟ وَقَد تَبَيَّنَ لَكُم مِن مَسٰكِنِهِم وَزَيَّنَ لَهُمُ الشَّيطٰنُ أَعمٰلَهُم فَصَدَّهُم عَنِ السَّبيلِ وَكانوا مُستَبصِرينَ
wa ‘Aadanw wa Samooda wa qad tabaiyana lakum min masaakinihim wa zaiyana lahumush Shaitaanu a’maalahum fasaddahum ‘anis sabeeli wa kaanoo mustabsireen