A proclamation is herein issued from God and His messenger to all the people on the great day of pilgrimage, that God has disowned the idol worshipers, and so did His messenger. Thus, if you repent, it would be better for you. But if you turn away, then know that you can never escape from God. Promise those who disbelieve a painful retribution.
وَأَذٰنٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرَسولِهِ إِلَى النّاسِ يَومَ الحَجِّ الأَكبَرِ أَنَّ اللَّهَ بَرىءٌ مِنَ المُشرِكينَ وَرَسولُهُ فَإِن تُبتُم فَهُوَ خَيرٌ لَكُم وَإِن تَوَلَّيتُم فَاعلَموا أَنَّكُم غَيرُ مُعجِزِى اللَّهِ وَبَشِّرِ الَّذينَ كَفَروا بِعَذابٍ أَليمٍ
wa azaanum minal laahi wa Rasooliheee ilan naasi yawmal Hajjil Akbari annal laaha bareee’um minal mushrikeena wa Rasooluh; fa-in tubtum fahuwa khairullakum wa in tawallaitum fa’lamooo annakum ghairu mu’jizil laah; wa bashiril lazeena kafaroo biazaabin aleem