(Messenger After Jesus)
Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am God’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be even more praised (Ahmad).” Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, “This is profound magic.”
وَإِذ قالَ عيسَى ابنُ مَريَمَ يٰبَنى إِسرٰءيلَ إِنّى رَسولُ اللَّهِ إِلَيكُم مُصَدِّقًا لِما بَينَ يَدَىَّ مِنَ التَّورىٰةِ وَمُبَشِّرًا بِرَسولٍ يَأتى مِن بَعدِى اسمُهُ أَحمَدُ فَلَمّا جاءَهُم بِالبَيِّنٰتِ قالوا هٰذا سِحرٌ مُبينٌ
wa iz qaala ‘Eesab-nu-Maryama yaa Banee Israaa’eela innee Rasoolul laahi ilaikum musaddiqal limaa baina yadayya minat Tawraati wa mubashshiram bi Rasooliny yaatee mim ba’dis muhooo Ahmad; falammaa jaaa’ahum bil baiyinaati qaaloo haazaa sihrum mubeen