And know that God’s messenger has come in your midst. Had he listened to you in many things, you would have made things difficult for yourselves. But God made you love faith and adorned it in your hearts, and He made you abhor disbelief, wickedness, and disobedience. These are the guided ones.
وَاعلَموا أَنَّ فيكُم رَسولَ اللَّهِ لَو يُطيعُكُم فى كَثيرٍ مِنَ الأَمرِ لَعَنِتُّم وَلٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ حَبَّبَ إِلَيكُمُ الإيمٰنَ وَزَيَّنَهُ فى قُلوبِكُم وَكَرَّهَ إِلَيكُمُ الكُفرَ وَالفُسوقَ وَالعِصيانَ أُولٰئِكَ هُمُ الرّٰشِدونَ
wa’lamooo anna feekum Rasoolal laah; law yutee’ukum fee kaseerim minal amrila’anittum wa laakinnal laaha habbaba ilaikumul eemaana wa zaiyanahoo fee quloobikum wa karraha ilaikumul kufra walfusooqa wal’isyaan; ulaaaika humur raashidoon