(Women’s Inheritance Rights)
The men get a share of what the parents and the relatives leave behind. The women too shall get a share of what the parents and relatives leave behind. Whether it is a small or a large inheritance, (the women must get) a definite share.
لِلرِّجالِ نَصيبٌ مِمّا تَرَكَ الوٰلِدانِ وَالأَقرَبونَ وَلِلنِّساءِ نَصيبٌ مِمّا تَرَكَ الوٰلِدانِ وَالأَقرَبونَ مِمّا قَلَّ مِنهُ أَو كَثُرَ نَصيبًا مَفروضًا
lirrijaali naseebum mimmaa tarakal waalidaani wal aqraboona wa lin nisaaa’i naseebum mimmaa tarakal waalidaani wal aqraboona mimmaa qalla minhu aw kasur; naseebam mafroodaa