(Trinity: A False Doctrine)
O people of the scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of God, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in God and His messengers. You shall not say, “Trinity.” You shall refrain from this for your own good. God is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. God suffices as Lord and Master.
يٰأَهلَ الكِتٰبِ لا تَغلوا فى دينِكُم وَلا تَقولوا عَلَى اللَّهِ إِلَّا الحَقَّ إِنَّمَا المَسيحُ عيسَى ابنُ مَريَمَ رَسولُ اللَّهِ وَكَلِمَتُهُ أَلقىٰها إِلىٰ مَريَمَ وَروحٌ مِنهُ فَـٔامِنوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَلا تَقولوا ثَلٰثَةٌ انتَهوا خَيرًا لَكُم إِنَّمَا اللَّهُ إِلٰهٌ وٰحِدٌ سُبحٰنَهُ أَن يَكونَ لَهُ وَلَدٌ لَهُ ما فِى السَّمٰوٰتِ وَما فِى الأَرضِ وَكَفىٰ بِاللَّهِ وَكيلًا
yaaa Ahlal Kitaabi laa taghloo fee deenikum wa laa taqooloo ‘alal laahi illalhaqq; innamal Maseehu ‘Eesab-nu-Maryama Rasoolul laahi wa Kalimatuhooo alqaahaaa ilaa Maryama wa roohum minhum fa aaminoo billaahi wa Rusulihee wa laa taqooloo salaasah; intahoo khairallakum; innamal laahu Ilaahunw Waahid, Subhaanahooo any yakoona lahoo walad; lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; wa kafaa billaahi Wakeelaa