And when our revelations are recited to the one of them, he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them, as if his ears are deaf. Promise him a painful retribution.
وَإِذا تُتلىٰ عَلَيهِ ءايٰتُنا وَلّىٰ مُستَكبِرًا كَأَن لَم يَسمَعها كَأَنَّ فى أُذُنَيهِ وَقرًا فَبَشِّرهُ بِعَذابٍ أَليمٍ
wa izaa tutlaa ‘alayhi Aayaatunaa wallaa mustakbiran ka al lam yasma’haa ka anna feee uzunaihi waqran fabash shiru bi’azaabin aleem