NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 44, August 1988.
The Qur’an alerts us that God sends His messengers “just ahead of retribution for the disbelievers” (17:15, 34:46). All God’s messengers witnessed the retribution for those who rejected them (7:59-93).
The fact that God has sent a messenger to this generation, therefore, marks the imminence of retribution for the disbelievers.
God’s message and the Miracle supporting it have been intensifying during the last 19 years. In response, the Muhammadans intensified their idolization of Muhammad. All of a sudden, international conferences in Mecca, Cairo, Islamabad, and Anaheim were held in honor of the Prophet’s “Sira,” and Satan’s very own “Hadith and Sunna” were re-issued in lavishly luxurious books. God thus exposed the Muhammadans’ true identity, and confirmed their idolatry. Now, they have no excuse. The retribution will be just and devastating; it is indeed imminent.
We learn from the Qur’an that the retribution incurred by the disbelievers is directly proportional to the greatness of the miracle. Verses 25-35 in Sura 74 state truthfully that God’s computer-age, 19-based miracle to this generation of humans is “One of the greatest miracles.”
Furthermore, Verse 45 of Sura 34 accurately states that since this generation of humans is given “more than ten times the evidence given to previous generations,” the retribution for today’s disbeliever will be proportional to the awesomeness of today’s miracle.
Verse 43 in Sura 54 very clearly informs us that today’s disbelievers certainly are not exempt from an especially severe retribution. As pointed out above, this especially severe retribution is really imminent.