NOTICE: This article is a reproduction from Submitters Perspective No 20, September 1986.
Since the first presentation of evidence that the last two verses of Sura 9 are false injections (March 1985 issue), I received more support than objections. Some objections resulted from lack of understanding the mathematical data. For example, some people looked up the Qur’an’s index and found that the word “Rasool” occurs in Qur’an 116 times, not 115 as reported in my 1985 declaration. Thus, they did not take into consideration that one word “Rasool رسول refers to the “Rasool of Pharaoh (12:50), and was not counted as “Rasool of Allah. Another example is the word “Arsh عرش which means dominion, or palace, or throne. The objectors did not deduct the occurrence of the word ‘Arsh when it referred to the ”’Arsh عرش of the Queen of Sheba (27:23). Even the objectors did agree with me regarding other words in 9:128-129 which violated the Qur’an’s mathematical code.
The majority of objections centered around the infallible divine law of preservation of Qur’an.
Surely, we have sent down this message, and surely, we will preserve it. (15:9)
Falsehood shall not come into it (Qur’an) in the past or the future. (41:42)
Let me state at the outset that Qur’an is and has always been perfectly preserved, as proven irrefutably by the mathematical code. Every sincere believer actually knew the perfect Qur’an, and every sincere believer today, and forever, knows the perfect Qur’an. As it turned out, the true Muslims did know the true Qur’an, while the false Muslims knew a false Qur’an. False Muslims are not worthy of Qur’an, because they have made a decision not to believe in the Qur’an’s perfection and completion as divinely stated in 6:19, 38, & 114. Please see 7:146 & 18:57. They uphold other sources such as Hadith & Sunna).
The vast majority of Qur’an in the world today do not conform to the original Qur’an as written by Muhammad’s own hand; they exhibit a variety of errors. Millions of Qur’ans have been printed in Iran during the last five years using standard Arabic, not the divinely dictated and unique Qur’anic Arabic. All these copies are wrong, for they violate the mathematical composition created by God to guard and protect every letter in Qur’an. But this does not nullify God’s law that Qur’an has been perfectly preserved. The true Muslims continue to know the true Qur’an and the false Muslims continue to know a false Qur’an. This too God’s law as stated in 7:146. Many readers wrote that they were always uncomfortable with the obvious deification of the Prophet in 9:128-129. They always felt that something was wrong.
As a rule,
For example, let us assume that there is a law stating that you shall not leave this room. If you stay forever in this room, no one will ever know that such a law exists. But if you violate the law by leaving the room, and you are forced back into the room, then everyone knows that the law exists.
Thus, the violation of the law of preservation of Qur’an was in accordance with God’s will in order to demonstrate to the world that such a law does indeed exist, and that any violation of the law shall be exposed and eliminated. Our Creator, Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, has given us a hint by refusing to prefix Sura 9 with His holy name. Another good example is the divine law that the angels possess the freedom of choice. It is obvious from 2:34, 7:11, 17:61, 18:50, & 20:116 that the angels possess the freedom of choice to obey or disobey God. When they do disobey God, they become angels no more; they become Jinns (18:50). However, the only reason we know that such law exists is that it has been violated. Only because Iblees (Satan) refused to bow down before Adam that we know that such a law exists. Had Satan obeyed God, and bowed down with the rest of the angels, we would have never known whether the angels possess the freedom of choice or not.
This Azhar-approved title indicates that Sura 9 was the last sura revealed in Medina, except for the last two verses; they were supposedly revealed in Mecca. In retrospect, this is impossible. For it means that the last two verses were revealed at least 10 years before the rest of the sura.
A study of the Meccan and Medinan revelations shows that Medinan verses are regularly found in Meccan suras, but not the other way around. This, of course, excludes the only sura revealed between Mecca and Medina (Sura 8).